- ??, (?) to ??, ??
- ??, ?? to ??, ??
- ??, ?? to ??, ??
- ??, ?? to ??, Bertha M.
- ??, Bessie to ??, Georgia
- ??, Geraldine to ??, Mary
- ??, Mary 'Polly' to ??, Tempie
- ??, Tempy to Alexander, William Larence
- Alexander, William McNeely to Allen, Sarah Elizabeth 'Lizzie'
- Allen, Sarah P. 'Sallie' to Andress, Stephen Andrews
- Andrew, Alma E. to Athey, John
- ATKINS, Daniel Lee to Bair, Sadie
- Baird, Ethel to Barker, J. Abner
- Barker, James to Barnett, Samuel Wate
- Barnette, John Chester to Baxley, Lonnie Walter
- Baxley, Lora to Beard, Willis Jonathan
- Bearden, Clifford Wilson to Beck, Nettie E.
- Beck, Nice to Bender, Valentin
- Benedict, ? to Berrier, Winnie Delfine
- Berry, ?? to Black, Lucille
- Black, Maggie Mae to Bobbit, Annie
- Bobbitt, ?? to Bortner, Vida
- Bosch, Theresa Otelia to Bowers, William Henry
- Bowers, William Henry , Jr. 'Henry' to BRASINGTON, Boyce Allen
- BRASINGTON, Brenda Carol to Bridger, Lunicy Forbes 'Nicie'
- Bridger, Martha to Britt, Creighton 'Crayton'
- Britt, Cula Haynes to Britt, Wilton Harris
- Britt, Wilton Ronald to Brown, James Luther
- Brown, James O. to Bryan, Willa Mae
- Bryan, William to Bullock, Winifred
- Bumgarner, Maude to Butler, Ella
- Butler, Ella to Byrn, Henryette
- Byrn, Hiram to Cain, Henry T.
- Cain, Herbert Eugene to Cain, Samuel R.
- Cain, Samuel Reeves to Canady, Van Humphreys
- Canatsey, Andrew Morris to Carter, Mary
- Carter, Mary to Chambers, William Quentin
- Chamblee, Mackie Donna to Clark, Louise Mabbitte
- Clark, Lucy Norfleet to Clodfelder, George
- Clodfelder, George Arthur to Clodfelter, Eliza M.
- Clodfelter, Eliza S. A. 'Lizzie' to Clodfelter, Lloyd Wayne
- Clodfelter, Lois to Clodfelter, W. M.
- Clodfelter, Wade to Coburn, Mary Elizabeth
- Cochran, Arthur Ples. to Conner, Zora Iva
- Connery, Arthur to Coones, William F.
- Coonfield, Hester to Cox, Zena Ella
- Coxwell, Benjamin to Craver, Jemisa A.
- Craver, Jesse Burgess to Crawford, Willie C.
- Crawley, James T. to CROXTON, Nancy
- Cruce, Bluford to Daniel, William Council , Sr.
- Daniels, ?? to Davis, George W.
- Davis, Gertrude 'Nana' to Day, Latimer K.
- Day, Leah E. to DETHMAN, Frank Emil
- Dettero, Margaretha Elizabeth to Doll, Sarah
- Dollar, Dora Ellen to Drinkwater, Sara
- Driver, Ethel Moore to Easter, Frances Susan
- Easter, Frances Susan 'Fannie' to Edge, John Calvin
- Edge, John Henry , Jr. to Eliakim, (?)
- Elicker, ? to Erney, Robert
- Ernst, Annie L. to Evans, Zelda Catherine
- Eve, (?) to Everhart, Joseph Roger
- Everhart, Joseph Roland 'Buck' to Evers, Riley
- Evers, Roscoe Drake to Feezor, Susan
- Feiser, Sarah to Fine, William E.
- Fink, Carrie to Floyd, Florida
- Floyd, Frances Isabella to Fort, Wily D.
- Fortenberry, Alfred to Frank, William Thomas
- Franklin, ?? to Fritts, Ida
- Fritts, Ida Bell to Galey, Martha
- Gall, Grace to Gentzler, William
- Genzler, Amelia to Gladfelter, Emma
- Gladfelter, Emory V. to Glatfelter, Anna AMria
- Glatfelter, Anna Anne? Mary to Glatfelter, Jacob S.
- Glatfelter, James to Glatfelter, Walter
- Glatfelter, Walter Clarence to Glotfelty, Philip Rutherford (Rev.) , Sr.
- Glotfelty, Philip Rutherford , III to Googe, Martha
- Goolsby, Louise Odell to Grant, Vaughn Echols , Sr.
- Grantham, Charles Erdmann to Griggs, Raymond Dale
- Grigsby, Andrew Jackson to Groce, William Thomas
- Groff, Barbara to Guyton, Wyley Osburn
- Gwaltney, Frances Edna to Halls, Quenten Ralph
- Halsell, Edward L. to Hannah, Tarquinius P. (Dr.)
- Hannas, Margaret to Harrell, Franklin P.
- Harrell, George to Hartley, John Anderson
- Hartley, John Anderson to Hawthorn, William (Rev.)
- Hawthorn, William Augustus to Hedgecock, William Raper
- Hedgepeth, Archibald B. to Hedrick, Jacob
- Hedrick, Jacob to Hedrick, Thorton Thornton?
- Hedrick, Thorton Tildon to Heilburn, Anna Barbara
- Heilig, Kathleen to Herod, William Tom
- Herren, ?? to Hester, Mary Florence
- Hester, Mary Helen to Hildreth, Julius Seabren
- Hile, Dudley Bart to Hinkle, John William
- Hinkle, Kathryn to Holder, Steadman
- Holder, Stella Maude to Horney, William Alverson
- Horning, Martha Victoris to Howells, Russell W.
- Howerton, Nancy to Humphrey, Ina Carey
- Humphrey, Iula Ruth to Hurley, Teenza Margaret
- Hursey, Cynthia to ISLEREZRA, Mae
- Isley, Myrtle Mae to Jarvis, William Thomas 'Thomas'
- Jay, Elisha Eli to Johnson, Jesse William
- Johnson, Job C. to Jones, Elizabeth 'Maulsey'
- Jones, Elizabeth Ann to Kaericher, Willis
- Kahl, Earl to Kelly, William Edwin
- Kelsey, Paul N. to Kesler, William 'Billie'
- Kessey, Cora to Kinlaw, Annie Ruth
- Kinlaw, Archibald Mack to Kinlaw, Zettia
- Kinley, Arlene Alpha to Knott, Troy
- Knotts, Don Morton to Koontz, Evelyn Irene
- Koontz, Ezekiel or Koonts to Kreit, Catharina
- Kremer, Charlotte to Lane, Willie
- LANEY, Catherine to Lau, Teresa
- Laub, Minnie or Lau to Leibengut, Philip
- Leigh, Albert C. to Leonard, Catherine
- Leonard, Catherine (twin) to Leonard, Garrison
- Leonard, Gene Laroy to Leonard, Lealda Homer
- Leonard, Lee to Leonard, Prudy
- Leonard, R. Green 'Green' to Lepo, Sarah A.
- Lerch, Anna Catharina Catherine or Loesch to Link, Junius C.
- Link, Mary Elizabeth to Livengood, Lucy May
- Livengood, Luella to Loflin, Winifred 'Winney'
- Loftin, Albert to Longworth, William
- Lontz, Robert to Lowsin, Orden A. Lawson?
- Lowther, J. B. to Mantle, Mickey Charles , Jr.
- Mantooth, Horace Greeley , Jr. (twin) to Massagee, William
- Massamore, Flora to McCay, William Lum 'Willie'
- McClain, Laura to McDaniels, Mattie
- McDeid, Espy Leonard to McGuffin, Mary
- McGugan, Charles Thomas to McLENDON, Zachariah
- McLennan, Daniel Commie 'Mac' to Meares, Mary Ann
- Meares, Mary Ann to Melvin, Walter F.
- Melvin, Walter Fitzrandolph to Meyers, William W.
- Micahel, Fred Lewis to Micheks, Mary Jane
- Michie, Thomas Johnson , Jr. to Miller, Joseph H. , Jr.
- Miller, Josephine to Mitchell, William Jackson
- Mitchum, ? to Moore, Rachel
- Moore, Randolph Benjamin , Jr. to Moss, Thomas
- Mosteller, Vera to Musselwhite, Donald Culbreth 'Donnie'
- Musselwhite, Dora Clyde to Myers, ??
- Myers, ?? to Myers, John H.
- Myers, John Henry to Nance, John
- Nance, John to Newsome, Walter Herman
- Newsum, John to Norman, Rosa
- Norman, Sarah to Odom, Minnie
- Odom, Murvin to Owen, William Thomas
- Owens, ?? to Parker, Evelyn Maurice 'Maurice'
- Parker, Fairley Paul to Pate, Elsie Chummie
- Pate, Felton to Peeler, Teddy
- Peeling, ? to Phelps, Simeon Harrison
- Phelps, Thomas Britton to Pigott, Ollie J.
- Pigott, Rufus Iddo 'Iddo' to Pope, Ira
- Pope, Jacob to Powers, Frank
- Powers, Franklin Delano , Jr. 'Del' to Proctor, Sidney E. , Jr.
- Propst, ? (Captain) to Randall, William Hurley
- Randel, ?? to Ratley, Leonard Currie
- Ratley, Linda Phyllis to Reagan, Roland Edward , Sr.
- Reagan, Ronald Wilson (President) to Regan, Clyde
- Regan, Colie Coley? M. to Regan, Marion
- Regan, Martha to Reid, William Henry
- Reid, William R. to Rickel, Susanna H.
- Ricker, Harrison to Robertson, Louise
- Robertson, Lucy to Rontved, Christine Johanna
- Rood, Charlotte E. to Rowley, Daniel
- Rowley, Daniel , Jr. to Rozar, Eugenia Cordelia
- Rozar, Euvanah Darlene 'Peggy' to Rozier, Wiley? or Rozar or Rosier
- Rozier, William 'Bill' to Rush, Virgil Lynn
- Rushing, ?? to Sauer, Valentine or Vallentin or Sowers, Jr.
- Saulsbery, Buhl to Scogin, Wright
- Sconce, James to Sessions, Sarah Boone
- Sessoms, ?? to Shaw, Ira
- Shaw, Jackson Lawrence to Shoaf, Cash
- Shoaf, Cassie J. to Shoaf, Mary Elizabeth Silva
- Shoaf, Mary Ellen to Shuler, William David
- Shull, Euclid E. C. to Singletary, Annie Eliza
- Singletary, Annie Elizabeth to Singletary, Sarah 'Sally'
- Singletary, Sarah Ann to Sink, Ester Mae
- Sink, Esther Lula to Sink, Malinda
- Sink, Mamie to Sink, Zillah Jane
- Sinopoli, Debbie to Smith, Charles Lee
- Smith, Charles McDuffie to Smith, John Emory
- Smith, John F. to Smith, Roy Edward
- Smith, Roy Roscoe to Snider, John L.
- Snider, John Lindsay to Sowers, Ada Pearl
- Sowers, Adam Joseph to Sowers, Jacob Matthias
- Sowers, Jacob Walter Cowan to Sowers, Thomas
- Sowers, Thomas Benjamin , Sr. 'Ben' to Spengler, Philip Casper
- Spengler, Phillip to Starns, Thomas Riley
- Staton, Edward Walter to Stockinger, Samuel
- Stockner, Cora Margaret to Strickland, William McKinley 'Mack'
- Strickler, ? to Surratt, Walton Keith , Sr. 'Keith'
- Susan A., (?) Giddins to Swicegood, Romulus S.
- Swicegood, Roxy Vivian to Tatum, Leonidas Chaffin , Sr.
- Tatum, Lester C. to Taylor, William B. , III
- Taylor, William B. , Jr. to Thomas, Emory Augustus
- Thomas, Empira to Thompson, John F.
- Thompson, John French to Timpson, Mary Augusta
- Tindall, Henry Allen , Sr. 'Allen' to Townsend, William B.
- Townsend, William Berdar to TUSSEY, Foster Allen
- Tussey, Franklin H. to Van Dyke, Barbara Catherine
- Van Eaton, Christina to Waggoner, Emma
- Waggoner, Emma Dora to Wagner, Joseph Bert or Wagoner 'Bert'
- Wagner, Joseph Daniel 'Joe' to Wall, William F.
- Wallace, ?? to Wamer, Thomas
- Wampler, Christian , Jr. to Watson, Gazeal
- Watson, George W. to Welborn, Willie
- Welch, ?? Welsh? to West, James Bizzell
- West, James Felton to White, Edgar Lee 'Ed'
- White, Edith to Wiggins, Willie Earl
- Wiggs, James to Williams, Thomas Early
- Williams, Thomas Marsh to Wilson, Fred C.
- Wilson, Freddie Charles , Jr. to Wishart, James G.
- Wishart, James H. to Woosley, William Uriah
- Wooten, Ardella Carrie to Yarbrough, Washington Green
- Yarbrough, William Alexander to Young, John Andrew
- Young, John Andrew to Younts, Maude Geneva
- Younts, Minnie Eleanor to ZWICKI, Samuel